Regular, TAS based locking does not guarantee FIFO order, so a process can find itself waiting long for a lock, despite being the first to ask for it. TAS needs to be executed atomically, this makes it a very heavy-weight instruction.
Lamport’s bakery solves the FIFO problem, but still spins on the same variable, the current_ticket_number
. Why is this a problem? Well, think of it from a cache coherency perspective. Each processor is spinning, constantly reading the now_serving
variable. Finally, the processor holding the lock releases and increments now_serving
. This invalidates the cache line for all other processors, causing each of them to go across the interconnect and retrieve the new value. If each request for the new cache line is serviced in serial by the directory holding the cache line, then the time to retrieve the new value is linear in the number of waiting processors.
The linear acquisition time can be improved, and this is where MCS comes in. Each process spins on local variable, not one shared with other processes.
typedef struct mcs_node{
mcs_node next;
int is_locked;
} mcs_node;
mcs_node queue;
function Lock(mcs_lock lock, mcs_node my_node){ = NULL;
mcs_node predecessor = fetch_and_store(lock.queue, my_node);
//if its null, we now own the lock and can leave, else....
if (predecessor != NULL){
my_node.is_locked = true;
//when the predecessor unlocks, it will give us the lock = my_node;
// Waiting for lock
function UnLock(mcs_lock lock, mcs_node my_node){
//is there anyone to give the lock to?
if ( == NULL) {
//need to make sure there wasn't a race here
if (compare_and_swap(lock.queue, my_node, NULL)){
//someone has executed fetch_and_store but not set our next field
while( {
// Let the other process catch up, set itself as next
//if we made it here, there is someone waiting, so lets wake them up;
Each process is represented by mcs_node
in the queue. When attempting to acquire lock, if it’s busy, the node is added at the end of the queue, and spins on my_node.is_locked
(locally). fetch_and_store(lock.queue, my_node)
atomically places our node at the end of the queue. lock.queue
becomes the precedessor of my_node
. The process then busy-waits for the predecessor to finish and wake it up.
To unlock, we need to ensure that no other process had performed fetch_and_store(lock.queue, another_node)
, but didn’t yet set
Pour chaque proc: [Pi, Ri] Ci [Gi, Qi]
Hoare + parallelisme : non interference
Hypotheses (proc i)
La garantie est a faire uniquement en parallel. On ne raisonne pas en iterative
TAS(L v) {
atomic {
int tmp = L;
L = v;
return tmp;
P: True R: true
G: MOD(L) Q: OLD(L) ^ L = v
P: L.owner = null
R: true
Q: L.owner = thistd
P: L.owner = thistd
R: true
G: MOD(L) // Only L Modified
Q: L.owner = null
Variable partagee X progetee par verrou L. Plusieurs processus identiques paralleles :
P: true
R: L.owner = thisthr -> ID(X)
...; lock(L); ...; X= thisthr; ...; unlock(L);
^ point de linearisation
G: L.owner != thisthd -> ID(X)
Q: X=thisthr
TTAS-lock(L) {
while (true) {
while (L.state = busy {}
if (TAS(L.state, busy)==free}
z = z+1
TTAS-unlock(L) {
L.state = free
all the things!
Lock smaller bits of data, not the whole list
Though we again have a basic concurrent linked list, once again we are in a situation where it does not scale particularly well. One technique that researchers have explored to enable more concurrency within a list is something called hand-over-hand locking (a.k.a. lock coupling).
The idea is pretty simple. Instead of having a single lock for the entire list, you instead add a lock per node of the list. When traversing the list, the code first grabs the next node’s lock and then releases the currentnode’s lock (which inspires the name hand-over-hand).
success : at current
fail : at pred
success : at pred
fail : at current
lockSearch down list without locking
to indicate whether its key been removed from the set.
Eliminer les verrous completement
Probleme: Concurrent cas
and remove